
Offer Seamless And Secure Payment Options To Customers With Shift4 and Celerant

Helen Shinn, Shift4

Shift4 is a payment industry leader, providing merchants with complete end-to-end payment solutions.

We service all verticals from retail, food and beverage, hotels, sports and entertainment, venues, and many more.

Merchants select to partner with Shift4 because of our full technology, competitive pricing, and additional services we bring.

More Ways to Process Payments, In-Store and Online

With Shift4, our retailers can process sales in their stores, online, and even newer ways of processing with contactless payments or Apple Pay on their website and mobile payments.

Working with Shift 4 as their processor through our seller and software becomes easy.

Equipment and Processing Hardware at No Additional Cost

One of the most significant advantages is that Shift4 provides devices at no additional cost.

With devices these days, it’s hard to keep them in inventories. Shift4 has a direct line to the source to get the devices. That ensures inventory is never an issue.

Again, all that is for no additional cost

Learn More

Learn how Celerant’s point of sale system is designed to grow with your system and how our dedicated teams make it easy.