Orion Wholesale and Celerant Open Drop Shipping for FFL Dealers Nationwide
Customer Service and a Huge Selection of Merchandise to Drive More Sales
Orion Wholesale is a nationwide distributor. We carry firearms, ammunition, shooting sports accessories.
We have a good customer service, and we really care about our dealers.
Automation from Orion Wholesale to do the Heavy Lifting for Your Retail Business
One of the biggest benefits using the integration is that you’re basically letting your site and your inventory work for you.
It’s doing the management for you, and they can just push the order to Orion, and we take care of the rest.
Celerant Collaborates with Orion Wholesale to Make Drop Shipping Easier for Shared FFL Dealers
This year, Orion is now announcing that they’re going to start drop shipping firearms. And so we at Celerant, we’ve already enhanced our software
We’re going to support dropshipping of firearms with Orion Wholesale.
Offering an Endless Aisle of Merchandise without Physically Stocking Inventory
It really helps our dealers offer that endless aisle of products without stocking the merchandise.
Continually Building on the Existing Partnership to Do More with Technology
We are very excited to add drop shipping firearms to the platform with Celerant, and it will help grow our partnership and help the dealers sell more while doing less.
A Fit for All Dealers, No Matter Their Size or Customer Types
Dealers of all sizes, even your traditional dealers, are getting on board with the technology aspect, and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
Learn More
Learn how you can sell more products and offer a wider variety of merchandise to your customers while stocking less inventory by utilizing drop shipping from Orion Wholesale!