Automate Waiver Generation
Automatically generate digital waivers for your range.
Celerant’s FFL retail software integrates with Otter Waiver, an innovative digital waiver and eSignature system for outdoor sporting and shooting ranges.
Through an integration, dealers can streamline lane reservations with custom, contactless liability waivers, while managing their entire range and retail sales in a single solution.
By integrating with Otter Waiver, dealers can improve the range experience for customers by providing a faster, contactless check-in process.
Otter Waiver is the only digital waiver and participant management software designed specifically for the outdoor industry. They worked with a variety of experts to design Otter Waiver specifically for the outdoor industry.
As a preferred software provider for the NSSF, NRA and NASGW, Celerant provides point of sale, eCommerce, distributor integrations, electronic A&D, range management, marketplace integrations, email marketing and more.