
Streamline Delivery with Curbside Pickup App

A Simple and Powerful Way to Adapt to Your Customers’ Needs

Now more than ever retailers are having to quickly adapt to how their customers want to purchase from their stores and how they want their purchases delivered. Celerant makes it easy for retailers to service their customers through online ordering and contactless curbside pickup.

Once the order is placed on your website you are notified immediately and it is displayed in your Celerant curbside application. After you prepare the order click ‘ready for pickup’, which sends a text message to your customer letting them know where to pick it up. When the customer arrives they click a link within the text message alerting your associates so they can easily deliver the order to your customer’s vehicle.

Curbside delivery: Another simple and powerful way to adapt to your customers’ needs using Celerant. Contact us today to learn more and see how we can help your business better serve your customers.

Offer Curbside Delivery with a Mobile App

Learn how to streamline curbside pickup for your staff and customers with Celerant’s curbside pickup app.